Frequently asked questions about permissions on Teams. If you need assistance or have additional questions about Teams on Practice, please send us an email:
What are the types of permissions you offer today?
- Owner: The owner of the organization with complete control
- Admin: Similar to an owner, but lots of control in your organization
- Partner: Ability to create more objects in your organization, but only works with assigned clients
- Collaborator: A limited contributor with the lowest level of permissions, only works with assigned clients
Who has the ability to set Stripe for my organization?
The organization owner is the only one who can set the centralized billing for the organization
What are the shared parts of Practice in my organization?
Schedulers, services, forms, and libraries are shared universally across the organization.
Can I change the permissions of a member in my organization?
Yes, at any time you can modify the permissions of a member of your organization.
Who can change permissions for a member of my organization?
The owner and members with org owner or partner access has the ability to invite new members to the organization.
Can I view the last sign-in date of a member?
Yes, to view the last sign-in date of a member of your organization, access your teams page
Who can invite a new member to my organization?
A member with permission as owner or admin can invite new members to the organization
What can a member see with the permission of Collaborator access?
A member with Collaborator can only see clients that are assigned to them, and share resources across payments, schedulers, forms, and the library.
Is there anything that is exclusively reserved for just the owner of an organization?
Yes, a member who is the owner of the organization can control billing and the ability to update/change the credit card on file for the account.
Who do you recommend for Admin access?
Admins in your organization have control over accounts payable, scheduling, packages, and all aspects of your organization except for billing. They have control over all of the major parts in the product and can do many things in-app similar to an owner.
Learn more about Admin Access
Who do you recommend for Partner access?
Because the Partner access permission allows for a lot of autonomy inside your account, only invite trusted partners, assistants, and colleagues that you trust with access to view and manage all of the parts of your business.
Learn more about Partner access
Who do you recommend for Collaborator access?
Because the permissions collaborator access has more restrictions, this permission can be used for contractors or colleagues that work exclusively with a select few clients.
Learn more about Collaborator client access