The package gate is an easy way to control if/when a client can book a session after enrolling into a package. It's controlled in the package template (see below) as to what your default preferences are.
And, it's also available for use when a client is actively in a package.
Using the package gate upon enrollment
When a client signs up for a package, and the package template is toggled to locked scheduling they'll be able to sign up and pay for your package, but unable to actually book any sessions in the package. At any point down the road, you can unlock scheduling, but we will restrict the client from booking a session until the gate is toggled off.
Using the package gate with an active package
If a client is actively in a package, and at least one session has been scheduled, their package might look a bit different. First, using the package menu, you can change the gate to either locked or unlocked:
Once the package is locked, a client will still see how many sessions they've booked, but won't be able to schedule any further in their package:
Is a package gate different than pausing a package?
Yes! First and foremost, pause only works with a subscription package. When a package gate is used, a subscription package will still renew cycles (and accrue sessions or time) but the client will not be able to self-schedule. In addition, any other type of package will still act as normal on the back-end, meaning you can self-schedule sessions but the client will not be able to schedule on their own.