To access Packages, Products & Coupons on Practice, you'll need to connect an existing Stripe account or create a new one. It's possible to leverage packages and invoices without actually collecting payment via Stripe, but to access this portion of the product a Stripe account must be connected.
Connect via an existing Stripe account or create a new one
When accessing the payments section for the first time, you'll see an option to securely link your bank. This button allows you to connect your Stripe account or connect an existing Stripe account to Practice. Once connected, you're able to access Packages, Products & Coupons.
Using Packages without billing
After a Stripe account is created or connected, you're able to toggle the billing section ON or OFF. When the billing is set to ON a client will be forced to pay during the booking flow. If billing is set to OFF a client will not be asked to pay during the booking flow, ultimately meaning that you can use packages without billing.